Ag. Director General
The Agency Responsible for Designing, Implementing, Deploying, Monitoring & Evaluating ICT & Related Policies & Programmes in Sokoto State, Nigeria.
Sokoto State Government Set up a committee of professionals which came up with a blue-print that served as a guide in the establishment ICT Directorate in 2007.
To use information and Communication Technology as an engine to improve the quality of life of the people’s economic well-being through sustainable knowledge based development of the economy and the society to leapfrog in the future.
Sokoto State Won 2017 Award as Best state on e-Government 2017.
Sokoto State Won 2019 Award as Best State on e-Government 2019.
Sokoto State is the first state also the hub that hosts the launching of Google Digital Skills Training in Nigeria in 2018.
Sokoto State is an active member of World e-Government Organization for Cities & Local Governments (WeGo), with headquarters in South Korea.
Sokoto State Government Participated in Smart Cities Competitions in UK, USA, South Korea, Nigeria in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Sokoto State is the first State in 2018 to launch Annual 1000 Entrepreneurs Training Program Mentoring youth and students for free.
We love to listen and we are eager to respond on your Inquiries.
Sokoto State Secretariate
The people who make things happen in our company and who believe and build the future..
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