Dr Nasir Daniya FNCS,

Permanent Secretary ICT, Sokoto State, Nigeria.


The Agency Responsible for Designing, Implementing, Deploying, Monitoring & Evaluating ICT & Related Policies & Programmes in Sokoto State, Nigeria.

About ICT Directorate

Sokoto State Government Set up a committee of professionals which came up with a blue-print that served as a guide in the establishment ICT Directorate in 2007.

Our Vision

To use information and Communication Technology as an engine to improve the quality of life of the people’s economic well-being through sustainable knowledge based development of the economy and the society to leapfrog in the future.

  • Use ICT as an engine for sustainable development. 
  • Enhance the quality of educational delivery.
  • Creation of wealth, poverty eradication and global competitiveness.
  • Establish essential ICT infrastructure for achieving a knowledge based society and improving Governance in the state.
  • Use ICT to reduce the level of restiveness among the youth by empowering them with relevant ICT skill to be self employed.



e-Government 2017

Sokoto State Won 2017 Award as Best state on e-Government 2017.

e-Government 2019

Sokoto State Won 2019 Award as Best State on e-Government 2019.

Google Digital Skills Training

Sokoto State is the first state also the hub that hosts the launching of Google Digital Skills Training in Nigeria in 2018.

World e-Government Organization

Sokoto State is an active member of World e-Government Organization for Cities & Local Governments (WeGo), with headquarters in South Korea.

Smart Cities Competitions

Sokoto State Government Participated in Smart Cities Competitions in UK, USA, South Korea, Nigeria in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Annual 1000 Entrepreneurs Training

Sokoto State is the first State in 2018 to launch Annual 1000 Entrepreneurs Training Program Mentoring youth and students for free.

The Permanent Secretary

Brief Background about the Permanent Secretary ICT, Sokoto, Nigeria.

Nasir Abubakar Daniya holds a Doctorate Degree in Policing, Security and Community Safety from the London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. His research focuses on Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure, Terrorism and Public Security. 

His Thesis is on Assessments of Effects of Terrorists’ Activities on Nigeria’s Critical ICT Infrastructure. His corroborative portfolio is Development of  Criminals and Crimes’ Cloud-Based Database (Software Application) primarily for Nigerians and Nigeria. 

Nasir studied his Bachelors Degree (IT) from the University of Wales, Post Graduates Degrees from the University of Oxford (Software & System Security); University of East London (Information Security & Computer Forensics); Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (Information Technology Laws); ABU Zaria (Education); Sokoto State Polytechnic (Local Government Studies); Sokoto College of Legal Studies (Common and Criminal Law) etc.

He is a Fellow of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) and a member of several local and international professional bodies. He is a teacher, lecturer and innovator that won several awards and grants in Nigeria and the United Kingdom.

The Permanent Secretary is a social and environmental activist that is leading the quest for a ‘Paperless Society’ in Nigeria. He mentored thousands of Nigerians over decades. Most of which are currently PhD holders, Directors and CEOs in Nigeria and abroad. He is a committed Public servant that believes is transparency, accountability, due process and team-work. He has high moral ethics and open-minded. Thought strict disciplinarian, he listens to subordinates with attention, ficus and caution.

Twitter handle: @nasirdaniya

Dr. Nasir Daniya

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ICT Promotional & Opportunities

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Sokoto State Secretariate

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